
Hi there!
It is so lovely to meet you, thanks for dropping by! I’m Angeline and I would like to tell you a little about myself so we can become better acquainted.
I live in Queensland, Australia with my best friend and amazing husband of 30 years. Yes, I know, I was married when I was 16 years old …. Ha, ha only kidding! It feels like we were married only a few short years ago. Well you know the saying - 'time flies when you are having fun'!

I absolutely love Jesus, my husband, my wonderful family and friends, koalas, sloths, green smoothies, yummy food, long walks on the beach, swimming in the ocean, a good book with a good coffee, shoes, sunny days, rainy days, girly movies, Hawaii and lots more, including rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens (sung in a Sound of Music kinda voice). I could go on for hours, however I am sure you get the idea!

Growing up
I grew up in Brisbane city and was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. In my early 20's I moved to the Gold Coast which is a beautiful little city right on the ocean. I married my best friend Glenn and we were both ready to live happily every after. However, as I am sure you have experienced, God sometimes has other plans and He did for us.
With the prompting of my amazing mum we conducted extensive research into the Jehovah's Witness origin, background and specific teachings. By the grace of God we found out the real truth.
I love the beautiful scripture in John 8:32 where Jesus says:
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
That scripture resonates with me so deeply. It’s a very long story, however let’s just say that I am so very grateful to my mum and to my God for leading all our family members out of the cultish religion and into a personal relationship with Jesus.
I have learnt so very much over the years and I am humbled and grateful to continually be transformed and grow under the guiding hand of our Jesus. As I grow older and my life experience deepens, I am now more than ever convinced and resolute that the most important thing in life is a relationship with Jesus and to love each other.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37-39
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Loved Saved Blessed

My career has been extremely varied, from management to corporate trainer to project manager and lots of other positions in between. I have worked for corporate, private enterprises and government organisations. My husband and I have owned companies and international business.
My journey has not been easy, I don't think anyone's is. I have had my ups and downs, and during an extremely rare sickness in 2018 that left me in 24/7 excruciating pain, bed ridden and unable to articulate my speech, I certainly thought it would be better for me not to be here. However God was with me every second and He brought me through. I definitely had lots of invaluable lessons during that time!
Believe me when I say that I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I fall down, I repent and God helps me back up again. I am still growing and learning, and confident in the knowledge that God is with us.
God etched Loved Saved Blessed into my heart. Gently and loving He guided me and now I have the privilege of inspiring and empowering women around the world to experience a greater level of joy, peace, love, contentment, fulfillment, courage and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am so excited, passionate and blessed to support beautiful souls like you to grow in love and to awaken and live out your divine God given purpose. You know you have one don’t you? Its inside you, just waiting to be awakened!
Loved Saved Blessed Women of Impact is your extended family and together we are making a difference by spreading the good news of the Kingdom and the love of Jesus Christ to every nation. Matthew 24:14
Purpose filled life
Through speaking, writing books and poetry, through events and social media I reach out to women across the world knowing that we all have a divine God given purpose and it is time to step courageously and boldly into that purpose. Through our wounds, scars, tears, love and laughter we can and will be the women that God has always intended us to be and together we will spread the love of Jesus across the globe.
… who knows but that you have come to your royal position for
such a time as this?
Esther 4:14
Jesus is the answer and I am so grateful that He chose you and me. So lets connect and stay in touch my dear friend and I would love you to check out our online store for some fun must have products. I know we have so much to share. Join Women of Impact today!
Love and huge hugs!